
Bachelor of Arts Degree Program


The Bachelor of Arts (BA) program is available to students who have completed our TESOL course (online or in-person) and 120-hour upgrade course. To earn a BA degree from URH-ISAG, our partner university, a student must complete several academic courses totaling at least 130 semester credit hours. The program combines mandatory courses and elective courses, giving students a broad education in the arts while also allowing them to tailor their education to their interests and needs.

  1. CIE TESOL Courses (12 credits)
    The CIE TESOL course (online or in-person) and the 120-hour upgrade course.
  2. History of the Americas (6 credits)
  3. Major field of study (33 credits)
    A more intensive and advanced study in a specialized subject (see below for more details).
  4. Elective courses (21 credits)
    Free-ranging exploration by means of optional video courses in an array of subjects. (See course catalog) Students may also transfer credits for courses taken at other institutions. Students that have received training in public speaking, and/or attend meetings where literature is analyzed and discussed and lectures are given on subjects related to ethics, history, and, humanities may also be awarded credits.
  5. Second language studies: (18 credits)
    Ancient Greek, French, Latin, Spanish, or a combination of languages. Students that have already achieved intermediate/conversational level in a second language may be awarded the full number of credits necessary for the completion of this module.
  6. Teaching practicum: (40 credits)
    2000 hours of teaching experience working for a school, college, training company, university, volunteer organization, and/or as a private tutor.

Major Fields of Study

Students may choose one of the following major academic fields:
Ancient History, Education, English Language, Linguistics.

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We reserve the right to judge the advisability of an applicant’s admission to any particular concentration. Each student’s major is directed by a faculty advisor with a view to obtaining reasonable mastery of a chosen field.

Tuition Fees:


*Pricing in USD. Tuition fees are either paid in full during the enrollment process, or the monthly option will schedule payments on the same day each month beginning on the date of enrollment.

Purchase provides access to online content for the duration of payments, or 12 months if paying in full. Continued access to online curriculum beyond that is available on a monthly basis.

Please review the refund and cancellation policy before enrolling.

Enroll here!

Tutoring and Guidance

CIE will assign you a personal tutor upon registration. Your tutor will give you personalized assistance throughout your studies.


Once a student has completed the required courses totaling 130 credits or more, they can apply to graduate through our partner university.